Things to know before taking aspirin

Things to know before taking aspirin. Aspirin is a drug with limitations, precautions, and side effects. Therefore, study or seek advice from a doctor or pharmacist before using the drug. to increase the percentage of safety in use. The general details that you should know are as follows.

before taking aspirin

1. Aspirin Restrictions 

Aspirin is not suitable for people of all ages and physical conditions. People with certain health conditions should not take this drug, such as allergic reactions to aspirin or other N-sed drugs, asthma, blood disorders such as Bleeding disorders, history of stomach or intestinal bleeding. including late-term pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding, as the drug may affect the mother and baby during delivery. and may seep through the mother’s milk to the baby until it is dangerous 

The use of aspirin in children should be under the guidance of a doctor. Especially children under 12 years of age and in children under 18 years of age with health problems. such as chickenpox, flu, fever, undiagnosed. That recently vaccinated illness, should not take aspirin. This is because the drug can cause serious and potentially life-threatening health problems. But it is extremely rare. The money syndrome ( Reye’s Syndrome risks’s ) which may be identified by changes in behavior with nausea and vomiting.

2. Precautions while using aspirin

Taking aspirin with other drugs may cause interactions or cause side effects. Before using this medication, tell your doctor or pharmacist about any medications or herbs you are using, especially

  • N.S.D. group drugs ibuprofen, for example, may impair the cardiovascular protection effect of aspirin.
  • Some pain relievers, antihistamines, and cold medicines that may contain aspirin or drugs in the NSED group causing the patient to take the drug repeatedly until the body may get an overdose
  • antidepressants or antidepressants Because if taken together with drugs in the N.S.D. group may cause patients to bruise or bleed more easily.
  • other medications, such as anticoagulants and salicylates (Salicylates)

You should also limit your alcohol intake and refrain from smoking while using aspirin. This may increase the risk of stomach bleeding.

3. Aspirin consumption

The right dosage for each person is different. because depending on age symptoms or at the discretion of the treating physician. There are also many forms of medication available. Such as tablets, chewable tablets. But for general antipyretic and pain relief it is recommended to take 300–900 mg tablets every 4–6 hours, up to a maximum dose of 4 g per day.  

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