Tagged: humen

What is Fiber?

           Fiber is dietary fiber found in vegetables, fruits and various grains. Which itself cannot be digested in our digestive tract. therefore being excrete with feces. Although the body does not get nutrients or energy. But it...

What are the benefits of whey protein for women?

Whey protein is a type of protein extracted from milk in powder form. It is considered a highly nutritious protein. It is quite high in essential amino acids. Especially leucine, valine and isoleucine necessary to build muscle and...

Benefits of longan that should not be missed.

Longan a fruit that you will be shocked. When knowing the properties and benefits because in addition to being delicious. It can also nourish the body, nourish the blood, nourish the nervous system, eyes and heart. 1....

Chamomile medicinal properties.

Chamomile is both a cute flower with a good meaning and we are also familiar. With it as a tea, herb , or essential oil. Because chamomile has many benefits. Chamomile flowers or chamomile tea How good are...

3 life threatening from “Weight Loss Pills”

Normally, all weight loss pills will put various substances. In order for those substances to act on the body, resulting in weight loss. But at the same time, it negatively affects the body as well. There are mainly...

Social media the risk of causing “depression”

Today Social media to play an important role in people’s daily lives more and more. Sometimes, smart phones are like the fifth factor of human beings. Because smartphones can make us access to various information easily...

Level of stress.

In a society full of conflicts Life problems that we have to face. Including work, family, finances, love, etc., make us stress easily. And tends to occur at younger and younger ages not just adults or working age...

Popular fruits, as high in calories as 1 plate of rice!

“You can have a good figure because you eat fruits and vegetables.” We don’t argue about this. because to lose weight I have to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Eat less flour and sugar. But it’s not...

Probiotic foods what to eat.

  Probiotic foods that are good sources of probiotics. Most of them are food that has been fermented and pickled until it produces beneficial microorganisms. Which can choose to eat as follows. 1. Yogurt      ...

How much coffee contains acrylamide. 

A study in Poland found that 160 cc (about 1 cup) of roast coffee or fresh coffee contains 0.15-1 micrograms of acrylamide. Indication that if a person weighs 40 kg. They are at risk...